I got the news this afternoon that I won two prizes in the Laurel Contest! My blue and white dress got First prize for the “Reader’s Choice” category and my coral dress won second prize for “Best Use of Color.” I had spent the morning obsessivily checking my RSS reader on my phone to see when the winners would be announced, and was taken off guard when I got a message from Sarai telling me that I had won in two categories! Of course I immediately told my co-workers and texted Phillip, my mom, and several friends!
I’m beyond stoked and completely overjoyed. Looking at all of the other entries and the winners, I am so proud to be among these amazingly talented seamstresses. When you look at these photos so much creativity is evident and so much skill that far surpasses mine!
Thank you so, so much to everyone who voted for me in this contest and especially to Jose and Danielle for helping me take the photos and edit them! I really appreciate your support!